Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

WinRAR 3.92 Final With Key

Di posting sebelumnya, saya sudah membahas tentang WinZip Pro 14. Kini saya akan share software yang memiliki fungsi sejenis, namun lebih banyak digunakan oleh semua orang. Ada yang tau?? Yupsss, bener banget. Nama software ini ialah WinRAR 3.92 Final.

WinRAR merupakan software kompresi file-file agar ukuran nya menjadi lebih kecil. WinRAR juga support format kompresi, bahkan hampir semua format kompresi, seperti (RAR, ZIP, CAB, ARJ, LZH, ACE, TAR, GZip, UUE, ISO, BZIP2, Z and 7-Zip).

What's New in This Release :

  • If you start WinRAR command from Explorer context menu in multiple
  • monitor configuration, the command dialog will be displayed
  • on the same monitor as context menu. In previous versions it was
  • always displayed on primary monitor.
  • WinRAR "Compress and email..." context menu command adds the archive
  • name to email subject. Previous versions left the subject blank.
  • In RAR 3.91 -x switch could also exclude folders from archiving
  • even if mask contained wilcard characters and did not contain a path.
  • For example, -x*. excluded all those folders, which do not have
  • the extension in the name. Now -x switch uses RAR 3.80 approach
  • for masks without path, excluding folders only if mask does not
  • contain wildcards and matches the folder name exactly.

Bugs fixed:

  • WinRAR 3.91 reported the incorrect "Unexpected end of archive"
    error, when opening an empty ZIP archive created with
  • "New WinRAR ZIP archive" context menu command;
  • if "Delete archive" option was enabled when unpacking se...

Cara Instal :

  • Instal Winrar
  • Copy dan paste File rarreg yang sudah saya sediakan.
  • Selesai

Dowmload WinRAR 3.92 Final Full Version

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